Listed below are definitions for various terms used within the IIU website.

Affected person

An affected person is someone who has been seriously injured, has died or been otherwise affected as a result of the actions of police.

Civilian monitor

A civilian monitor is a person who is not a police officer and is appointed by the Manitoba Police Commission under Part 7 of The Police Services Act, to monitor investigations conducted by the IIU.

Prescribed offence

Offences designated under section 1(2) of the Independent Investigation Regulation

Serious injury

  • a fracture of the skull, jaw, vertebrae, rib, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, or fibula
  • burns, cuts or lacerations that require admission to a hospital on an in-patient basis
  • the loss of any part of the body
  • the loss of vision or hearing
  • internal injuries that require admission to a hospital on an in-patient basis
  • any injury caused by the discharge of a firearm

Subject officer

A subject officer is a police officer who, in the opinion of the civilian director,

  • may have caused a death or a serious injury to a person
  • may have committed a designated offence
  • may have engaged in other conduct that is the subject of an investigation by the independent investigation unit

Subject officers are invited, but not compelled, to present themselves for an interview with IIU and they do not have to submit their police notes to IIU. Once an officer becomes the focus of an investigation, and therefore faces potential criminal jeopardy, the officer is granted the same rights as any citizen under The Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protection from self-incrimination.

Witness officer

Witness Officer means a police officer who, in the opinion of the civilian director:

  • witnessed, was present at, or was involved in a serious incident, or who has material information respecting a serious incident
  • witnessed or has material information respecting any other conduct or alleged conduct of another police officer that is the subject of an investigation by the IIU